• Never canoe/kayak alone (fewer than 3 there should never be).
    • Always let someone know where you are going, what time you will be back, who you are going with and what you are doing.
    • Do not canoe/kayak if you cannot swim or float confidently.
    • Always wear adequate buoyancy and ensure there is adequate buoyancy for your canoe/kayak.
    • Always sign in and out gear from the Club.
    • Report any damages or breakages to the Club committee.
    • Be aware of your skill set when paddling.


    I accept that canoeing and kayaking are adventurous sports, which by their very nature are sports that involves a degree of risk of personal injury or death. I acknowledge that Bunclody Paddle Sports Club cannot ensure my complete safety at all times. I accept these risks and agree to be responsible for my own actions and involvement. I accept that Bunclody Paddle Sports Club cannot be held liable for any injuries caused to me or caused to others or their property by me, due to my participation or involvement in this sport.
    I confirm that I do not suffer from any disability or medical condition which may render me unfit for strenuous exercise**

    I confirm that I can swim at least twenty-five meters and am proficient in treading water. I have also successfully achieved Level 2 Certification in Kayaking or Canoeing and undertake to behave in the best interest of the Club.
    The General Committee reserve the right to refuse membership or in certain circumstances terminate membership.
    The annual club membership runs each year from 1st January to 31st December. Any person joining in midterm will be liable for the cost of the full annual term.
    Some activities organised by the Club could require additional monies to be paid and this will be advised accordingly.
    I confirm that I have read the above and I understand the conditions as set out therein.
    I also agree to accept the Bunclody Paddle Sports Club rules and those of Canoeing Ireland (CI).

    ** Should a medical condition exist, this does not necessarily preclude you from membership/participation, but it must be declared. Should you be in any doubt, advice should be sought from your family doctor. Please put in writing all medical conditions to the Secretary/assistant Secretary.
    The club Complaints Procedure is available on request to the secretary.

    Please read the Club Constitution

    Please read the Code of Conduct.

    Are there any physical or other condition (s)
    which BPSC should be made aware of?

    If yes, please give details:

    Previous Canoeing or water sports experience, canoe or kayak awards received:
    (please give details)